Business Security

Business Security
Wide range of Insurance Solutions that support the Business & its employees

In today’s era, with so many external factors affecting the operation and success of businesses, protection from at least those risks that an insurance policy can cover is the wisest business decision.

Apart from the Employer’s Liability Insurance and the Professional Liability for certain professions provided for by the Legislation, Business Insurance in our country is not mandatory.

But for every serious professional who respects the time and money invested in his business, insurance is the wisest move to limit the countless risks that threaten every organization every day!

AIC Insurances can help keep your business safe. We have the experience and know-how to understand and identify the risks of each business or professional and recommend various options for comprehensive coverage plans that will provide you with the broadest insurance coverage you need.

Why insure your business with us:

What are the benefits of Business Security?

The reasons that require the insurance of any business can be innumerable, as well as the risks that surround it.
Below we list the main reasons why the security of your business can contribute to its success!

⦁ In the event of a fire or natural hazard damage to your business premises, Business Insurance will respond by helping you continue your operations while compensating you for the damages themselves. With climate change making extreme natural events even more frequent, no one can know when their business premises will be at the center of a disaster.

⦁ Business insurance as a whole is not mandatory, since as we said, the law only requires employer’s liability insurance, while Professional Liability Insurance is only mandatory for certain occupations. Nevertheless, the existence of a business insurance policy will increase the prestige of your business and perhaps help you in future collaborations since it will send the message that you are an entrepreneur who faces the risks that threaten your business.

⦁ If you are a business that allows the public to visit your premises, such as a shop, a cafe, or simply an office, then a ‘Business Insurance’ policy which will include Public Liability cover is essential. Public Liability Insurance will protect you in the event of an accident involving a guest on your premises for which you will be held legally responsible and required to compensate the victim for bodily injury or even property damage. Several businesses have been driven to ruin by customer lawsuits brought against them because they did not maintain Public Liability insurance and were unable to afford to pay any claims against them.

⦁ In addition to indemnifying you in the event of a catastrophic event, business insurance will compensate you in the event of business interruption thus reducing the financial consequences of the disaster, assuming of course that your insurance policy includes the corresponding coverage for business interruption compensation.

⦁ Unfortunately, the phenomenon of dishonesty in business is not a rare thing, with the organization often facing both financial losses and reputational damage. Your Business Insurance may indemnify you for direct pecuniary loss arising directly as a result of an act or series of related acts of fraud or dishonesty committed by any authorized named employee, whether acting alone or in concert with others, with the primary intention to ensure financial benefit for him.

⦁ It is not uncommon after major disasters that the building that houses our business is not in an operational condition, as a result of which your normal operations cannot be carried out. Business Insurance will compensate you for temporary accommodation elsewhere if your building is damaged by the insured perils. In this way, your business will continue to operate as smoothly as possible. If your company now rents the insured building to third parties and it has been damaged by perils covered by the insurance policy, as a result of which it has become unfit for use by the tenant, you will be compensated with the amount of rent that you would have received but lost due to loss or damage.

Antigonos Theodorou

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